Deep Focus

Deep Focus is Rian Cobb and Charlie Codsi.

It started as two mates who played in high school bands from the age of 11, but once Rian Cobb and Charlie Codsi stripped back all the noise and focused on having a good time, Deep Focus was born and there was no turning back. Naming the band after a science textbook on Charlie’s bookshelf, the pair had their first jam in 2020 and wrote their first track “Fly”. That short 3-hour rehearsal set the precedent for what Deep Focus would be: making music for pure enjoyment.


Within months, demos and Instagram videos were being recorded in that same bedroom where it all started. Drawinginfluence from a mix of Australian artists such as DMA’S and Lime Cordiale, Deep Focus blends the sound of classic indierock with lyrics about teenage life, relationships and mental health. Not afraid to borrow styles and techniques from other genres, Rian and Charlie have developed a sound far bigger than their simplistic guitar and drums setup, and much more mature than the boys themselves.

At the end of 2021, the boys headed into the studio with Sydney-based, UK-born producer Paul Beard (James Blunt, Lily Allen) to record their debut EP, leading with forceful first single “Do It Again”. In March 2022, Deep Focus won ShoreComp Ryde and earned a spot on their first festival lineup, ShoreShocked, sharing a stage with Aussie indie legends Beddy Rays and Unearthed High 2021 winners The Rions.

Deep Focus first single ‘Do It Again’ was released on 4th November 2022 with follow up This Place in March 2023. There’s a lot more to hear from this band.


High Ace